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Recipe: Garlic, Sesame Noodles w/ Chicken

As we are busy doing absolutely nothing, I have made the best of it in the kitchen. I have put on my chef's hat and done some serious damage in the kitchen. It's easy when you have 4 hours to prepare dinner and a month to make an exact meal plan. I know we are all bored with making the same 4 dishes we have been making since college and ready to spice up our cooking.

So, I have the perfect easy solution for the "my food is starting to taste the same" rut that I'm sure you're currently in. Did someone say Asian Noodles?!

I had a big appetite this weekend and I ate everything in sight so naturally when Blake said he wanted Asian food, I looked around my pantry and threw together a spicy, garlicky noodle creation. Please note that this recipe is merely a guideline and that these are the amounts we put together for two people. Feel free to add/remove anything! Just plain chicken and noodles would still be amazing.

What I used:

Wide egg noodles (however much you like)

3 cloves of garlic (minced)

One small slice of onion (I did it for the flavor)

3 Tbsp olive oil

2 cups of rotisserie chicken (however much you like)

4 Tbsp soy sauce

2 Tbsp sesame oil

Chopped green onion

Salt + pepper

Step 1: Bowl Noodles as package directs.

Step 2: Sauté the onions and 2 cloves of garlic in the olive oil for about 3-4 min. (I used a Wok)

* If you salt + pepper your food as it cooks (opposed to after), you'll taste the flavors more.

Step 3: Add in chicken to the olive oil/garlic mixture and put stove on low (the chicken is already cooked we just want to heat it up).

Step 4: In a small bowl, mix the soy sauce, sesame oil and the last clove of garlic.

Step 5: Drain noodles and add to chicken mixture, then top with soy sauce (as much or little as you think your noodles need).

Step 6: Top with the chopped green onion!


What I used to create this recipe

XX, bailee

The Snob Edit


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