I was on the phone with my sister the other day and she was asking if I had my hospital bag packed. Now if you know my sister, you'd know she had her nursery done, name picked out and hospital bag by the door by 20 weeks. I, however, tend to me the opposite. My sister has two kids so she is experienced in this department and made me write down a list of all the things I needed. I also picked two friends brains about what they packed in their hospital bag and got some good ideas from all 3 the others didn't have. Then it got me thinking.... I should ask on Instagram!
Some great tips and ideas from soooo many different people! It was wild how many said they same thing, but also so many ideas I would HAVE NEVER thought about. So my question was "what's the one thing you wish you would have packed/ you did pack that was a total game changer for your hospital stay" (or something like that).
So I am going to put a list together for any expectant moms/ curious- not yet moms- to have for a guide!
(this includes everything I've been told, not exactly what is it my bag)
Nursing pillow/Boppy
Your own pillow (diff color than white pillow case so the nurses don't mistake as a hospital pillow) (highly recommended)
Your own blanket (highly recommended)
Chapstick (highly recommended)
Nightlight for those late night feedings
Earplugs/sound machine (I have an app on my phone for noises)
Long phone charger (THE MOST RECOMMENDED)
Shampoo & Conditioner, Bodywash
Always/Depends women's diapers (suggested many many times- I guess better than what hospital gives you)
Eye drops for super dry eyes
Fridamom icepacks for mom after birth
A pillow + blanket for your husband (often forgot)
A robe to wear for mom
Slippers/ grippy socks
Shower shoes (throw away kind)
Portable handheld fan (recommended a ton)
Cooler with your fav drinks/ SNACKS***
Extra PJs (night sweats)
Laptop for all the downtime!
Your own bath towel
Sleep mask for those mid day naps
A dress for going home clothes (pants hurt if C section is involved)
Portable speakers
Dermaplast for bathroom breaks
Nursing/Sleeping Bra's (I hear you want to wear bras at night for support)
Nipple cream
Baby's going home outfit
Carseat Cover for when taking baby home
Facial Wipes
Waterwipes for you if need after delivery and before you can shower
Small mirror for when you're in bed and don't want to get up
Baby book if you plan on getting their hands and feet stamped in the book
open front PJs for nursing or nursing top PJ's
I hope this gives you an idea of what you need to pack in your bag! Thank you to all my girlfriends who emailed me lists and to friends on Insta I haven't met for the great ideas! I love the thought of helping out new moms when they just don't know where to start! Congrats to all the almost moms and many prayers for those trying to become moms. This is such an incredible journey for all women and I loved making this post.
XX, bailee
The Snob Edit